Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Eteenpäin, Keeping on, Pikkuhiljaa, Little By Little - January 28, 2015

So. This was sent out late, because we were on the library computers, trying it out for the first time, and it turns out that you get ½hour PER DAY, not more than that. Whoops. So, we got to send stuff today too. Here is the email I started to compose, and I'll finish it off, too!

Hello, everyone! Well, today is running a little bit differently than the P-days in the past. Specifically, I am right now at the Porvoo Library typing up this email, and the email composer does NOT like that I am writing in English... It keeps auto-correcting the words I put down into Finnish, but it stopped a bit ago, probably in frustration that I was correcting all of its corrections... Also, my screen is FILLED with red lines on just about every word. Sigh. It's fun to write with color effects, but not like this. Ah, well.

So, there wasn't actually any really new events for this week. We found another investigator and are doing our best to keep up our teaching with everyone. Surprisingly, most of the people we are meeting with each day speak English with us, and they only want to speak English (I'm sure to practice the language that they've never really heard a native speak before) which makes lessons and concerns easy for us to understand, so I'm not gonna complain!

It has been fun, though, because we have been teaching more lessons in Porvoo than have been taught for quite some time. We are working hard!

I have recently been tasked with helping a member (one of the only ones in Porvoo) with his English correction of a project involving global warming and the IPCC botching of the job, according to his papers... It's difficult mental work, but he is the  only member that can come with us on lessons when we try to have one with a member (which is always), so we are trying to repay him as best we can. It has been very interesting seeing what English concepts are natural and unnatural for a Finn. Commas will confuse them to death.

Well, that's just about it. One more thing: The investigator's family that we've been spending Mondays with has asked us to make them Macaroni and Cheese, since they'll buy the ingredients we ask for and then we'll come and cook it there with the boys. It'll be a ton of fun, and we have a recipe of Elder Saunders' that tastes quite good. One question for family: Could y'all send me the family recipe of Mac and Cheese, the REAL one, so that I can enjoy it here when I feel like having it? Thanks!

To the questions!

Have you learned any Swedish phrases or words?

No, but that's just because I can't remember the little Swedish that I pulled out of the book I got from Tampere's apartment. It's a Swedish-Finnish dictionary, so I might have a little trouble...

Have you eaten any Swedish dishes?

I have not. We have gotten no dinner appointments here, due to the fact that there are next to no members in Porvoo. Apparently, this area is one of the absolute slowest and hardest in the field, except for a few more areas up north. Mostly due to the fact that church is about an hour away, and Finns don't own cars, really...

Are you keeping warm?

I am, although I had some holes in my good coat. But, I am pretty handy with needle and thread, so I think I'm going to survive this winter entirely intact! Yay!

Is ice-skating a big thing in Finland? Hockey?

Yes, we've seen quite a few interesting things here related to hockey and ice-skating. The biggest thing is that they pour water over all of their soccer fields (sorry, football fields) and turn them into ice rinks. It's SO weird to see! It freezes really solidly, so that's good.

Even cooler (no pun intended) relating to ice: the lakes and rivers in Porvoo are quite solid. We watched people walk across the giant river, and quite a few of them ice-fishing in the middle of it. I was thinking, "WHY are you putting holes in the ice when it's super-deep and liable to break?!?" But Finns apparently know best, because I haven't seen any human-sized holes in the ice yet. We walked across a lake last night, but only when we knew it was absolutely safe. We didn't want to become the next human icicle.

Do you need any new shoes or clothes, yet?

I'm actually fine on all clothing, thanks! I'm keeping up good maintenance on what I've got, thanks to the sowing kits, and the only things I've had to fix are the aforementioned coat holes and a  hole in one of the pairs of slacks I've got. It's right over the right pocket, I think that my camera had put it there, but it's all good. So, nope, I'm fine. Ties are always appreciated, but never needed.

How is your health?

It's all good, really. Ei haitta.

How is your companion?

Super awesome. Since he's from Georgia, we're both enjoying the Southern pride. Yee-haa! Y'all is a popular word between us.

What is something you taught this week?

We taught a bunch about the Restoration, and we have another new investigator because of it!

 Sorry, we are really out of time now, so I have to just skip the rest of the questions... I think y'all are awesome, I hope that I can contact each of you more often!

Vanhin David Milligan

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