Well, last Monday after e-mailing, I had to call Elder Frey to order some materials, and when he answered the phone, I started the call with that subject line... Insert semi-creepy drawn-out voice here... It was good, he laughed, and welcomed me back to the office. That first day? Crazy crazy crazy. But that's the Office for you. It feels like home all over again.
Almost all of the things that I wanted to talk about pop up in the questions, especially since I haven't experienced too much since the last e-mail I sent. Cool. To the Q's!
What did you teach this week?
The only lesson that I've taught this week was to 2 of the people in Mikkeli that we've started to meet with - I met them in between the time that Elder Greciano got into MIkkeli and I left from it. That was fun! They also are receiving my emails from now on - so shout-out to the both of you! 😁 We taught the rest of the message of the Restoration, from Christ's earthly ministry to the message of the Book of Mormon, and how we in our day can know of it's truth through the Holy Ghost. It went well - I also got to share part of my testimony about how I know that God answers prayers. I love these people! They also are champions at praying - they just care so much about those around them, and about finding out if this message is true. I miss them already - but I'm still in touch! Woo-hoo! Hope I did a good job recapping the lesson, guys.
What did you share this week?
This week, I shared with Elder Frey how to make Todistus Pallos - the little origami balls that bust open to be a bunch of pieces of paper with little sentences of a testimony written inside. He really likes the idea of it - and I can't wait to share it with the members in this area! That will likely be my cop-out "share" moment for a while... Oh, well. I'll try to be more creative in the future.
What did you learn this week?
I was going through a lot of different scriptures - I finally got ahold of the big list of scriptures that we are going to memorize as a mission! Woo-hoo! Realized that I should start now - because they are planning to do one scripture per week for a year - and I don't have a year left. Gulp. It's okay - I'll work it out! I'll give a few excerpts in the future of my thoughts and contemplations from these things!
How is the Office?
Crazy-hectic-frantically-insane. Isn't it wonderful? 😊 It's a little more crazy this time around, because right now, two people that are normally here working out of the six of us are gone. Those two make a big difference. But we'll keep it up!
Are they excited to have you back?
Yes! Apparently, it's been the buzz around here for a while that I'm coming back - they missed me! Yay! It's good to be back, honestly - I just love being in a place to help so many other people on a daily basis. That's the role of every missionary, yes - but I have it in a little different capacity than most, right now. The people that I'm trying to help are coming to me asking for it!
What are your responsibilities in the Office this time?
So, we are still working a bit on Mission History, Mission Inventory, and School Presentations. At this time, we also have the additional task of ordering train tickets and bus passes. It's fun to see all of this stuff and try to help missionaries get places effectively. Beyond that, we just have the general responsibility of "Chaos Control". 😜 We deal with orders for the mission again, and we also have a ton of housing supplies from previous missionary apartments (now closed) that we are in charge of distributing out as-needed. That's fun, because we get first dibs on new stuff. Yay!
Is the bread maker there? Are you making rolls?
Ah - the bread maker never arrived. I left before it could come, and then no one else really knew how to use it, so it was never brought in here. Now I'm just making cheesecakes, brownies, and the occasional set of cookies. It's okay - they still love me for it. Although I hope to be able to convince the bread-machine owner to have it make an appearance...
Is Elder Frey the gluten-free Elder? I could get some bread machine gluten free recipes from people if you need them.
Yes, yes he is. If there are any recipes that anyone has for gluten-free desserts, please help me out, here! I'm especially having trouble coming up with a good cheesecake crust - I'm just using gluten-free cookies and butter right now. Hard as a rock, in the end. I'd like specific direction on this, rather than blind trial-and-error...
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling fine! I'm not back in the office due to any sort of health-issue - I'm just back because President asked for me to come back! He said in the phone call that he needed me here. 😊 I feel loved!
If all goes well, Zandi will get her Mission Call just after your next Transfer. Where do you think she will go?
Honestly, I'm REALLY hoping that she gets called to Finland. I'd just love to be able to tell members out here, "hey, in a few months, my sister will be doing the same thing. If you ever see a sister missionary with the Milligan name, say hi!" That would be so much fun - I feel that she would be so happy serving out here, and that she'd grow so much. I know that I've gained a lot of growth and development out here that I couldn't have gained through any other action in any other place. She'll grow no matter where she goes, and she'll help people regardless of location, but I'd love for her to be helping the same people that I'm trying to help today. Plus, then we'd both speak Finnish. How awesome would that be? 😁
Well, that's all. I love being here, and I love the contact that you all keep with me. I love you all, be safe, do work!
Vanhin David Milligan
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