Tuesday, July 12, 2016

July 12, 2016 - It's Like a Crazy Pre-Funeral Event...

I tried to think of a really interesting subject line for this e-mail. I hope that you all liked it.

To explain.

It's been a crazy week. Right before I don't need to worry about crazy Office things anymore. I don't need to explain the implications of that non-worrying. I'll go through a quick run-down of these events, instead.

We did a LOT of stuff this week. Like, we drove to Joensuu to drop items off that we couldn't mail. Like a couch, a study chair, and kitchen chairs. 10 hour round-trip drive, plus 2 hours for the meals we had. The moment that we got back, we ran over to a lesson. Unfortunately, the person was not home, even though we had talked with them periodically throughout our drive to confirm the appointment. We even made it in time, too! But, alas.

It ended up being a good thing, though, as we were called on by President Watson to help with a number of things a short time later. It was great to be able to help out, although it made us dead-tired after that day of chaos. In addition to that, I got to spend 4 consecutive nights in the Mission Home as we helped out. Crazy how much time we spent there right before this-time-that-I-don't-want-to-mention happening. It'll have been good practice, I assume. :)

Yeah, helping out with the Mission President took the majority of the week. It was great, though. We also enjoyed much of Sister Watson's cooking. I have had a lot of that this last transfer, too.

Well, although the list doesn't look that long, I promise, the events themselves took a lot of energy and created a lot of crazy. Still, I've got nothing else to talk about. TO THE Q'S!

What did you teach this week?

We weren't actually able to teach a lesson this week, but we are teaching one today! We are meeting with an investigator that we've had for a while now, and it should be a good lesson. We are hoping to talk about baptism, what exactly it is, and how they can prepare for it. I guess that sometimes, missionaries going home don't really goal for meeting with people and helping them learn about the gospel, due to the fact that they won't see the fullness of results from it. I heartily disagree with that philosophy. So long as I am set apart as a missionary, it is still my purpose to do these things. By golly, if I can't do it next week, I'm gonna try all the harder this week! :)

What did you share this week?

We have had quite a few dinner appointments (including from the Mission President and his wife) during these my last few days. (Looking at a calendar, I am very aware that I only technically have single-digits left. Yikes.) So, we have shared a few lessons and thoughts with people, but I want to include a rather funny event that we had at the Mission Home.

We were singing hymns with a couple other Elders present there, and Sister Watson was accompanying us with the piano. President Watson came out, announcing that it was time for bed, but that we had 'one more song' to sing. He then conducted us in a 4-part round of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". And filmed it for us. It was great. I better get that video from him eventually. :)

What did you learn this week?

I went a lot through one specific chapter of the Book of Mormon. It was that section where Alma speaks to his son, Shiblon. I think that my mission has mostly been like that - no giant roles to play in the mission, no grand achievements to be lauded about for years to come - just quiet, simple service with all my heart. I'm glad that I have experienced everything that I have, and hope that I helped other people at least as much as I helped myself by being out here. I really do feel like a better person!

What are Rice Krispy treats called in Finland?

Umm... Too sugary? :)

I haven't ever had it out here, except in the Mission Home. The Finns in the Office say that 'Rice Krispies' is Riisimuro (Rice cereal). They don't know a Finnish equivalent used by Finns. The Internet search conducted by them yielded 'vaahtis-riisimuropalat' (marshmallow-rice-cereal pieces). We'll go with that. But, even then, most of the Finnish recipe options showed "Rice Krispie Treats" with no Finnish wording. *shrug*

What are your plans for your penultimate P-day?

I should probably explain how this works - I have today to shop, Monday to shop (that will be my last P-Day), and then Wednesday as well. So, I have plenty of time. What are my plans, though? I have just about none. Thankfully, I have gotten a few good suggestions of Finnish things to look for, but even then, I've got no real plans... I'll look for interesting things to buy, now that I can use all of my emergency funds without guilt. :)

I need to find out if computer games bought in Finnish can be played on an American computer. Mostly because I know that there is a fair amount of digital material that is region-locked. I can only imagine that it still is region-locked. I just want something to play in Finnish, though! The Office staff just Googled that, too, and said that it should be fine, but I don't know...

Well, that's all I've got! I love that I've been able to be out here, and I love that this land has changed me so much! I love Finland, and I hope that it will remain to be a big part of my life. Be safe, all - love your country a little bit more! I translated the Star-Spangled-Banner into Finnish. It may not be perfect, but I am proud regardless. I think I mentioned that last week. Oh, well. 🎶 And I'm proud to be an American...🎶 😊

Hope you all are happy! Do good!

The latest District - as I stare dramatically off towards another camera... ;)

Vanhin David Milligan

P.S. My itinerary arrived...

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